Lease Land for Hunting – Landowner Benefits

Benefits of Leasing Land for Hunting

Owning rural property is a great privilege that, when handled properly, can be a safe investment that also produces passive income. For properties with wildlife habitat, hunting lease income is a smart way to make your land work for you. For hunters, locating a quality place to hunt has become increasingly difficult in recent years.

Since approximately 95% of of all Texas land is privately owned, there is always high demand by hunters looking for a place to hunt, recreate and camp. Leasing land also provides property owners with additional, stable income.

Leasing Land for Hunting in Texas

Generate Income: Lease Land for Hunting

Our land consulting service can help you monetize your property. We provide a hunting lease management program that provides services to both hunters and landowners, ensuring the hunting community always has high quality properties to enjoy their sport. Hunting leases can be established for doves, quail, ducks, geese, rabbits, predators, feral hogs, mule deer and, of course, white-tailed deer.

Hunters benefit because we supply them with quality places to hunt. Landowners benefit from hunting leases on their property because our land consulting service produces additional revenue. In addition, we handle all hunting lease administration and we used pre-screened hunters.

We work hand-in-hand with rural landowners to administer all aspects of a hunting leases on their properties. We specialize in helping absentee landowners. We can also work to use the revenues generated from hunting leases for the benefit of the property, such as planning and overseeing habitat management projects.

In addition, we have a close connection with true sportsmen who are willing to pay a fair price for the special recreational privilege of hunting rights on private property.

Land Assessment for Hunting Leases

Our staff will inspect your property to assess its hunting quality and value for many different game species. Our hunting leases are for exclusive, official hunting rights for a single group per property, with a maximum number allowed. Our consulting service sets specific hunting lease dates, legal game species and establishes strict ground rules for each individual property. Landowners know who is on their property and when, and do not have to worry about the hassle of hunting lease administration.

Most of the properties we work with are leased for either annual or seasonal hunting and fishing privileges only. These leases are written between the hunters and the landowner, with our land consulting service serving as a third party intermediary for making the arrangements and handling administration. Landowners, if you are interested in additional revenue generated by a hunting lease on your property, please contact us.

The benefits are hunting leases are many: earn extra income; eliminate trespassing and poaching; lease to respectable, screened hunters; and establish a wildlife management program that benefits the plants and animals found on your land.